Deck Scout - Build your deck, cheaper
Deck Scout will search all of these hobby stores across New Zealand for Magic: The Gathering cards to help you find the best deals when putting together a new deck. Rather than having to check card-by-card or store-by-store, Deck Scout will collect prices and stock counts from all these stores.
We now check the pricing at Star City Games as well as our usual suspects in New Zealand. Based on our experience, they have the best pricing, support and shipping options of the big American stores.
Deck Scout gets the real-time prices for all the stores we support when you click Search Cards. Unlike other price aggregation tools, there's no risk of Deck Scout showing you old pricing.
To make life easier, you can paste MTGGoldfish decklist links directly into the Deck Scout search box. This works for both individual decklists like this Pauper Cycle Storm list, and the metagame archetype lists like the Modern Eldrazi Ramp archetype list. It'll even find the sideboard cards.
Tarkir: Dragonstorm - Available Soon!
For all retailers we monitor, check out our supported stores page.